Arianna's Daily

Browsing Tag:

friday wishlist


Friday Wishlist… Monochrome Chic!

Can you believe it’s Friday already? Where has the week gone. I’m currently in London at the moment and this dreary wet weather is making me very irritable. I long for crisp sunny days with zero humidity – yes bad hair days could have something to do with my state of mind 😉 So to keep me upbeat, I like to continue to add  ...

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Friday Wishlist: Autumn Essentials

While I’m still basking in the Summer sunshine I’m already planning ahead for my Autumn essentials. Even though I dread the thought of colder temperatures I cannot wait to start getting dressed for Autumn. I think fashion is far more exciting during fall as you get to play around and layer more pieces together to give a far more  ...

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Friday Wishlist… Summer Vacation

While I’m planning a little getaway with the hubby I can’t help but get excited with sorting out my holiday wardrobe. I find myself online lusting after certain pieces… My never ending wishlist just goes on and on. Remind me again that I don’t actually need any of the below?! Oh but the temptation… 1/ This one  ...

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Friday Wishlist

It’s officially Spring and I’m so excited! I just want to see the back of winter even though it’s still a little chilly… But hey it’s time for the skirts and sandals to come out to play 😉 So this week I’m lusting after a few pieces that give a spring vibe and a little boho chic… 1. I’m a lover of  ...

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Friday Wishlist

I’m so looking forward to coming to London next week and am planning on lots of shopping to make up for lost time 🙂 Any excuse is a good one really! I’ve got a really busy schedule planned for the next upcoming weeks but I’m also so excited to be catching up with friends. Today I thought I would share my current  ...

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Friday Wishlist…

Here we are at the end of another week, Please tell me where does the time go!? At this rate it will be summer before you know it – ok a slight exaggeration and more like me hoping winter will be a thing of the past very soon. Anyway I hope you all had a fantastic week and will enjoy some down time during the weekend. Here is another  ...

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Fashion, Uncategorised

Friday Wishlist…

Happy Friday friends! Where has the week gone and for that matter can you believe it’s already December?! This year has totally flown by… Anyway I wish you a fabulous weekend and I leave you with a few things that I’m lusting after. I am totally digging this look…  JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser.  ...

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