My Life Coaching Journey
So here I am working as a Life coach – and what a journey it has been, actually what a journey it is! I wanted to open up in this post as to why I decided to become a life coach, how I was feeling lost career wise, what life coaching is and how I work.
It all started the beginning of last year. Funnily enough work wise I was busier than ever and I had a really successful year income wise. Was I satisfied? Not really. I just wasn’t enjoying what I was doing anymore. The buzz had gone and I just didn’t have this sense of purpose. What was it that I was doing that was inspiring to others? How could I help others lead a better life? I found myself with all these questions taking over and I was really lost as to what I really wanted to do.
I actually realised that doing the fashion shoots has been something I never really enjoyed, in actual fact they would always stress me out. I would over think my outfit, felt so uncomfortable doing the shoots in the street, always be cold and I would end up buying an excess amount of tat because I felt I had to keep up. I mean at the end of the day I pretty much wear the same shit! Just so we are clear, I am not taking away anything from those that do this professionally and are amazing at what they do. It just wasn’t for me – and that’s ok, we are all different. And so i found myself lost! What was I good at and that I really enjoyed. So I like taking pictures – but for personal use only, I knew a career in that would make me hate taking photos. Thus I wanted to keep it as a hobby of mine. I started looking at my qualities and what I enjoyed doing. I realised I was a good listener and I enjoyed empowering people to feel good about themselves.

My Calling
You could say I had an epiphany, a light bulb moment – I know the usual clichè but that’s exactly what happened. I do believe that the dots always line up. There I was realising I wanted to help people but I wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. Then on my screen I see an interview pop up with a lady who was talking about confidence and changing your mindset. I was intrigued to what her profession was, so I did my research, and there it was, she was a Life coach!
I have always been involved in the creative field, helping people achieve their dreams in some way. But something was still missing inside of me; I wanted to help people on a deeper level. I’ve met many along my path that needed guidance and advice, which came so easy for me to offer. You see, that feeling of not being good enough and struggling with self-confidence are issues that plagued me during my early twenties. I’ve managed to break free from them and find that inner piece – It wasn’t an overnight success, I had to work at it but by changing my mindest and turning around my limiting beliefs, I totally reframed my thinking.
Having had life coaching my self (I still do) I am no longer the girl I was back then, but a woman who really believes in herself and that anything is possible. It’s for this reason I realised I wanted to be a Transformational Life Coach, It comes naturally for me wanting to help people achieve their dreams, and remove those self doubts that can become obstacles.
Finding that something you love, that you are passionate about makes you feel complete. I finally found my sense of purpose. Being a Life coach is what I’ve always wanted to be but I guess I only realised now, and that this was the right time.
After months of pondering where to study, I enrolled into the Animas school for my Diploma in Transformational Life Coaching. It was a start of a fantastic journey with like minded people and I cannot recommend the course enough.

What is Life Coaching?
I get many people that ask me what exactly is Life Coaching? So here is the best explanation I can give. Life coaching provides a non-judgemental, open, confidential space, focusing on your own thoughts, challenges, outcomes and goals. While it is non-advisory and non-therapeutic, I use many models & theories that I feel are suited to my client’s needs and will help them with the change that they are looking for. You see, they already have the answers, I just help them dig a little deeper to find them. I help them to look at the now and work towards desired future goals.
Whether someone is feeling stuck, has low self esteem, imposter syndrome, feeling lost, not sure about a certain relationship, constantly comparing themselves to others or just not sure what direction they are heading, life coaching can help on so many levels. Sometimes all we need is a space to open and hear our own voice, that in itself is very powerful.
As a Transformational Coach, I will guide my clients on a journey of self discovery, exploring their personal beliefs + values and how these are reflecting on their behaviours and experiences. I will challenge any held belief that is not in their best interest.
By embarking on this journey they will gain greater self awareness, examine and reshape many aspects in their life that are probably holding them back. I will help my clients to break free from what is holding them back! I’m only here to guide them, they already have the answers!
I want to help people to be the absolute BEST version of themselves and live the life they dream!

How I Work
What’s great about this new career is that I can be totally flexible with my hours. As most of you know I divide my time between London and Italy so I needed the flexibility.
I work with clients privately on 1:1 sessions. Each session is 60 mins, can be taken in person in central London (when I am in town), video call or on the phone. Location is never a problem! Each client is unique therefore I offer bespoke packages to meet their needs. I usually recommend a minimum of three sessions to get the best possible results. With some clients I offer a 3-6 months programme to totally transform their life.

Workshops & Retreats
Moving forwards my aim is to give a variety of talks on wellness, how to manage the mind, work life balance, dealing with social media and self-confidence. I also am working in creating and teaching half and full day workshops & Retreats.. In fact my first Life coaching & Yoga retreat will be held this year in beautiful Tuscany for 5 days from 23rd – 28th June. It will a beautiful relaxing experience incorporating daily yoga and life coaching with like minded people – the perfect antidote to recharge that mindset. You can find more details here.

So there you have it to what I have been up to the last few months. It’s been busy and of course as exciting as it has been, there’s always that element of fear, as I am starting a career all over again and it’s never easy at first. But that fear is quickly replaced to that feeling of excitement of going for something that I am truly passionate about and love. I’m still evolving, still learning but it’s been a beautiful journey so far and just the beginning.
I hope you too find your calling if you are stuck. Always message me if you need to talk. I am always here! You can find more details on my Life coaching website.
Lots of Love! A xxx
First two images ©Richard Boll
Carole King
11th April 2019 at 11:36 amI’m so happy for you hun. You have really found your calling and I know you will spectacularly good at it too. xx
Hosting My First Life Coaching & Yoga Retreat - Arianna's Daily
11th April 2019 at 2:46 pm[…] mentioned in my previous post about my Life coaching journey, I announced that I was going to be hosting a very exciting retreat in Tuscany Italy. So here are […]