
Very Sanderson

16th March 2010
Spring is in the air so keeping with the flower theme, let me remind you of a very exciting exhibition starting this week. I am sure many of you are aware but just in case for those who aren’t, this simply cannot be missed!
To mark its 150th birthday, Sanderson will be exhibiting at the London’s Fashion and Textile Museum, from 19th March-13th June. It will be showcasing the best of its archive as well as brand new collections. 
Sanderson was founded by Arthur Sanderson in 1860 and for the last 150 years has been at the forefront of English decoration, responsible for the first coordinated collection of mass-production wallpapers and fabrics.
This is rather exciting and I just can’t wait to go……………


  1. Marcos Menezes

    16th March 2010 at 6:14 pm

    Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. Arianna

    16th March 2010 at 10:21 pm

    You're welcome! Make sure to look at the 'upcoming events' on the right hand side, shows you a list of great events which are worth visiting!

  3. Marcos Menezes

    17th March 2010 at 12:26 am

    Fantastic! I will keep an eye in the upcoming events side bar. Thanks again.

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