
Bookshelves Imitations…

15th June 2011
I have noticed such a trend with bookshelves in interiors that I am quite liking it. Now I’m not talking about actual books but I am talking about photographs or wallpapers. Now I do prefer the real deal if I have to be honest but sometimes imitations can look great! I came across pictures of this fabulous cool bar, D’espresso in NYC. Designed by the Nemaworkshop it’s pretty swanky isn’t it!? I honestly thought these were real books, silly me. I love it how the space is achieved with full size photographs of books printed on custom tiles. Doesn’t it look like a seen from Inception?!

There are also some cool wallpapers too where you can achieve similar looks…


1 Comment

  1. Suzanne

    17th June 2011 at 3:41 am

    Wow, that is such a cool look!

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