Recipe Of The Week: Christmas Orange Almond Chocolate Lollies
My sister and I just love Christmas! It is our favourite time of the year and we decided to create these fun santa chocolate lollies. You can really add any nuts and seeds of your choice. These are easy to make and fun for the kids, although you will want to make them sweeter for children as they may not like the bitterness of the dark chocolate.
200g of Green & Blacks organic dark chocolate 70%
Zest of 3 oranges
A handful of chopped almonds
1-2 tablespoons of maple syrup or raw honey if you want to make it sweeter. (optional)
Start by breaking up the chocolate in small squares and place in a heat proof bowl on top of a saucepan on medium heat. Make sure the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water. Stir the chocolate until it has melted and add the zest of the oranges and the chopped almonds. Pour into Christmas moulds. We used father christmas moulds from Lake Land bought from Amazon. Once you have poured the chocolate into the moulds place the sticks inside and place in the freezer for an hour to set. You can store them in the freezer or fridge. Enjoy!
Dania Trapani is a fully qualified nutritional therapist and naturopath. Make sure to follow her blog for her latest recipes and healthy tips.
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